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In order to help protect your personal information, such as your telephone number and/or your e-mail address
from the internet spiders/bots, we are using password protected PDF files with the membership information.

You can print directly from your Browser/Adobe Reader and you can save it to a file, but you
will need to use the Password to open the file you saved.

So you don't have to remember the password, we are including it on this page as a graphic to keep it from being
read by the spiders/bots.  Just be sure to type it in when you are prompted when you open the membership files.

The password is:

Type it in using both numbers, space and capitalization as shown.
That's three nine one five, space, little "k", capital "H", little"z"

To view the Membership Roster, sorted by Callsign Suffix, please see Suffix

To view the Members sorted by City, please see City

These were Published on 11 / 23 / 2024

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How to join or make donations to the SC SSB Net