
SC Winlink Tuesday Practitioners - Current and Future:

Thanks to all who support SC Winlink Tuesday. A you can see from the graph, this is a favorable trend!

Now taking early check-ins; anytime on Monday is fine, plus the 24 hours of Tuesday.

For anyone new to Winlink, or new to SC Winlink Tuesday, please see the attached "SC Winlink Tuesday Practitioners Guide"

The 2 page guide is HERE

This is a reminder for this week’s SC Winlink Tuesday.  Please be thinking about SC Winlink Tuesday activities you have planned for tomorrow.
That could be as simple as sending a Winlink Telnet message to one person, or a small group.
Of course, if you can send the message with your radio, that is encouraged.

For you or anyone who wants/needs help with setting up a Winlink account, this video by AG6AG, Stu,
 has been helpful to many of us: Winlink Quick-start Guide Thanks, Stu, for this excellent video!

Optional, but encouraged:

Consider adding a template (a form) to your message. You can practice adding forms even with Telnet.

Integrate your radio at some point. There are lots of people who can assist with this; ask around if you need
help. Also, there are many online references that can help you learn more about Winlink.

Here's a link to our webpage: Scroll down to the section labeled Winlink – All about Winlink.

Here's a link to this week's SC Winlink Tuesday results: 2-weeks 9-10-24 and 9-17-24 Check-in Summary and Map

Here’s a link to a Google sheet any user can update and use as a reference to know who is available and when:
Please feel free to add your Callsign and edit the spreadsheet to reflect your availability.
Results for the previous Tuesday are posted on this webpage sometime Wednesday afternoon:
As a reminder, to be included in the summary and the map, please include this email address in the Cc: distribution of your Winlink email messages.
Additional information about Winlink is available here: Scroll down and find the section labeled "Winlink – All about Winlink"

PS - To opt out of future email reminders for SC Winlink Tuesday, please send a note to

Thanks & 73,

73,  Mark,  KN4KRZ

Updated   9 / 18 /  24

Contact the Webmaster for any corrections